Top Shopify Customer Tags Apps

Top Shopify Customer Tags Apps

In this post, we will recommend to you 3 Best Shopify Customer Tags Apps. This list is made up of reviews by hukcommerce experts, to help you to refer and choose quality apps.

Top 3 Customer Tags Apps for Shopify

Customer Tags by Union Works Apps

Customer Tags by Union Works Apps

Auto tag & bulk tag customers to auto populate customer groups. A Customer Tag is used to categorise or organise customers into groups. For example, customer tags can be used to control the usage of discount codes. Tags can also be used to control access to certain areas of your store. The majority of our Merchants use customer tags to segment their customers into marketing lists based on their purchasing behaviour.

Highlight features:

  • Customer Segmentation.
  • Customer Lifecycle Management.
  • Single Source of Truth.

Price: 15 – 40$.

Customer Tags by Omniconvert SRL

Customer Tags by Omniconvert SRL

Increase Lifetime Value with customer analytics & segmentation. REVEAL is a Customer Value Optimization and Analytics Platform that helps you understand and predict your customers’ behavior to improve what matters most in eCommerce: Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). We make complex data easy to understand & visualize, reveal insights, and help you treat customers differently on every channel.

Highlight features:

  • Customer Value Optimization (CVO).
  • Treat your best customers better.
  • NPS Monitoring.
  • Cohort Analysis.

Price: Free.

Autotag Customers by Appify Commerce

Autotag Customers by Appify Commerce

Automate customer tagging according to various rules. Catgarozise your customers by using our Tagify – Autotag application, looking forward to giving rewards to your customers but only if it fits in certain criteria? Sounds an interesting idea but complicated to implement? Not so anymore;

Our Tagify- Autotag application will let you set pre-defined rules and it will help you to automatically filter those customers when criteria are matched, so that you can give various discounts or rewards to various customer groups notably.

Highlight features:

  • Products (including variants) – Checks the order line item.
  • Collections – Checks if a product belongs to the selected collection.
  • Order amount – Matches the condition with the order total amount.
  • Number of orders – Matches the condition with the number of total orders.
  • Order billing or shipping address (including zip code, city, country).
  • Current customer tag – If the customer has a specific tag.
  • Customer email – matches the condition with customer email to see if it contains a specific word.
  • Tag by discount code – Tag all the customers who use specific discount codes.
  • New customer account creation – Automatically tag a customer when they open an account on your store. This can be used to reward customers with a discount code for signing up. You can assign a discount code to a group of customers tagged with something specific.

Price: 9,99$.

Hope this list of Top 3 Shopify Customer Tags Apps will help you.

Thank you for reading!

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